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💬 Proven correct

Here we go... Wish I had some more $$
PPPP made S$170!
Congrats Johnny on coming from behind to dethrone Zubby!
Back in March, I nicknamed you "Johnny come lately" because you always seemed to show up just after zubby and got the worse price on every movement, but over the last month, you've been *everywhere* constantly taking all the best profit opportunities while I haven't noticed zubby betting much.
@RobertGrosse Lol when he lost on that weird China COVID market, I said there was no doubt in my mind he would get it back and I wasn't lying! I guess I'm going to have to step my game up :)

Here we go... Wish I had some more $$
@Josiah Neeley I don't understand why you're actually playing again, but only with (presumably) your non-Newsom money. Even when you double your money like with the Twitter CEO market, it's not enough to even move the needle. However, if you sold your Newsom shares and invested it like this, you'd still be pretty far behind, but it would only take a couple doublings of your money to get back on the leaderboard.
Either you gamble everything on Newsom and don't bother doing anything else or you sell your Newsom shares and actually start trying again. Doing both at the same time is pointless.
@RobertGrosse how much does it take to be on the leaderboard these days?
@LorinElijahBroadbent Currently $2680
@RobertGrosse thanks

What about the top 5?
I'm not sure how much we should be sharing specific numbers, but I'll point out that if you look at the public betting history, you'll notice that Connor hasn't done anything since late March, and you can get a pretty good idea of his net worth due to him going all-in on markets right before resolution.

Ah screw it, IIRC he's at 9026 LOL let’s enjoy this one.
@zubbybadger godspeed to you zubby i hope it's in june
@SidSid I’d still guess the day after Memorial Day, but seems like a solid price
I'm all in on this even though at this point I have no idea whether it will happen, it's just driven by the exact date requirement even though obviously he will announce. At this point it's just like, guess, pick a side, who cares. Because of the tournament incentives.
@SalemCenter, Just to clarify, a presidential exploratory committee isn't enough to resolve this YES, right?

You don’t think he’ll run @zubbybadger?
@PPPP by 6.1
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