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💬 Proven correct
Since we took it up to 96.....LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
guyin1stplace made S$326!
Now would be the perfect time for Trump to tweet something.
@JosiahNeeley uh huh
@SalemCenter Can we have a "Will Trump be indicted again" market after this one closes. We still have Georgia and the Feds outstanding.
Since we took it up to 96.....LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
@zubbybadger Congrats, lol
@zubbybadger Well, so much for that. Guess you and Connor have an unstoppable lead now.
At least I was in 5th place for a few hours. :)
@zubbybadger I think you have basically infinite money now, but I never had a realistic chance of catching you in the first place. What really stings is that Connor managed to get in on this because 5th place was basically a fight between me and Connor and he just pulled way ahead. I think I'm farther from the top 5 now than I was at the beginning of March, despite all my efforts on Salem. Oh well, at least I still got a pretty high rank.
@RobertGrosse We have 4 months left! There's no way you or anyone else should be throwing in the towel right now. These markets go from 20 to 90 very frequently and there will be plenty of opportunities for basically the whole Top 20 to get back in the game
Looks like zubby bought the dip just four minutes after Alec dumped it. How on earth are you so fast?! Do you have some sort of bot set up to notify you of market movements? I feel like I might be bringing a sword to a gunfight here...
@RobertGrosse just got lucky (or maybe not!)
@zubbybadger Personally I'm praying that this resolves No so that you and Johnny get taken down a notch. But to be honest, I think it was a steal at that price.
@RobertGrosse I would get taken down by more than a notch lol. Even if Trump dodges Manhattan (iffy), he still has 2 more bullets to dodge. Not too worried about this right now
@zubbybadger My guess is that the Georgia case will take past July, but what do I know?

@RobertGrosse Well I definitely have a bot to notify me of sudden changes, but @zubbybadger easily outpaced me even getting the message, much less trading on it. So I guess I’m back to having to making limit orders like everyone else :( Anyway, I’m personally mostly looking at the pretty liquid Polymarket questions:
Trump snookered us.
Should have turned off the fees on these markers.

Metaculus gives this 73%:
(you can see this by going to "prediction" and choosing "cumulative probability" in July 2023).
@HenriLemoine this question closed in June 2021.

@BTE Oh wow I'm stupid haha, thanks for sharing.
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